∞ Infinite Love: Kundalini Activation Package ∞

Advanced healing and activation for kundalini awakening – 4 week intensive


Infinite Love: Advanced healing and activation for kundalini awakening – 4 week intensive

This is a very rare Kundalini activation path offered in collaboration with Naman Patel. Naman was first initiated to energy healing by his Himalayan Yoga guru in India at age 14. He was recognized as a prodigy in energy work, and continued within the lineage to be initiated by direct transmission into an ancient sacred healing modality in 2010, that we call Shiva Shakti. He has now been committed to spiritual union for two decades and is, from my own tangible experience, an extremely powerful healer.

Our work aims to bring the feminine (ida) and masculine (pingala) within us into harmony and sacred union; to clear the sushumna channel and awaken and rise Kundalini. The channels will be opened, and as energy channels and chakras are held in unity consciousness, trauma imprints come up to be witnessed and released. Your work is to hold space for this process, just as we hold unconditional space for you. It at any time you need support, tools, or space holding, we are there for you. (More)

See also – Infinite Love – Kundalini Activation Immersion

Naman and my energies and healing modalities complement each other in ways that go very deep. We are both on a path of devotion, coming together to offer our healing to others for the benefit of all. We believe that now is a time in history when humanity needs and is ready for the the innate power that is released with surrendering to our divine inner nature.

This package comes in two variants, both very potent. It is most beneficial if you are already able to sense your own energy, though it’s not a must. You need a strong desire to go deeper into your physical-mental-spiritual awakening. If you are unsure, we will help you start where you are. Depending on your level and ambition, we may work with restoring your energy and well-being, deep self-alignment and karmic release, and Kundalini awakening.

We support you throughout the process for a safe healing journey. Show up as you are, allow yourself to be loved and nourished, be present with what comes up, and learn to let go. Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Welcome home. 

Artwork: @les_esprits_libres
Artwork: @les_esprits_libres

Your gifts in this healing bundle

Before you commit, a free initial energy reading will help us determine how we may serve you best. We take into account both your energetic needs, your readiness to the process, and your preferences; for example to find your authentic expression or clarity on vocation, supporting physical and energetic health, or Kundalini awakening

Next, we will help you decide on healing modalities. Alongside the energy healing modalities, you can choose between “Standard” or “Kamikaze”; referring to the type of self-integration guidance that best suits your needs. Both are very gentle. Kamikaze refers to the willingness to go deep; to meet yourself directly in order to let go of that which no longer serves you.

Please remember that healing always needs to be your choice, and needs to be fully allowed and integrated to be effective. We are also there for you when you need support and guidance in your personal process.    

Energy healing modalities in the Infinite Love package include:

Shiva Shakti or Shambhavi, Shakti Reiki

Of the energy healing modalities we offer, Shiva Shakti is often perceived as the most physically intense. While Shambhavi is physically more subtle, they are both very potent for the deepest imprint healing. However, we will only suggest Shiva Shakti if we find that you are ready to receive it, as it may otherwise come with the risk of energy overload or life overwhelm.

Shakti Reiki is the perfect complement to Shiva Shakti. It is deeply grounding and nourishing, and helps gently integrate the energy shifts into the body. Shakti Reiki works at all levels of your being. If needed, it can also work on Kundalini directly. 

Shiva Shakti is given once a week max., together with 1 Shakti Reiki session/week to help the body integrate energetic shifts. Book your sessions ahead of time or as you go. You may also spread the sessions of a package out over more time as needed. We do our best to meet your date and time needs according to our availability. 

Kundalini Activation Packages

We offer two main package variants: “Gentle” and “Kamikaze”.

“Gentle” supports your journey with guidance on how to work with areas that feel out of alignment to you. It is similar to mentoring, but with an emphasis on helping you integrate energetic, emotional and physical shifts into your life and to support your kundalini. 

“Kamikaze” is for those of you who have deep emotional blockages that need extra care to be resolved. I guide you to find and face the root – the stuck emotions – head on; to completely feel it so as to release their hold over you. This work is my gift, my passion, and I’d be honored to hold the space with you.

Both Shiva Shakti and Shakti Reiki are available as shared sessions for couples; we offer special packages for couples; see below.

“Standard” – Shiva Shakti + Shakti Reiki + self integration guidance

This package is good for singles or couples 

1 person Package: €1020 (from €1360 – 25 % off)
– Shiva Shakti 4 personal sessions 780 585
– Shakti Reiki 4 personal sessions 260 195
– Self-integration guidance 2 sessions 2h á 160 (320) 240

Couples Package: €1505 (from €2005 – 25 % off)
– Shiva Shakti 4 shared sessions 985 740 for 2p
– Shakti Reiki 4 group sessions á 95 (380) 285 
– Self-integration guidance 2 sessions each, 2h á 160 (640) 480

“Kamikaze” – Shiva Shakti + Shakti Reiki + Completion Process

1 person Package: €1133 (from €1510 – 25 % off)
– Shiva Shakti 4 sessions 780 585
– Shakti Reiki 4 sessions 260 195
– Self-integration Process, 2 sessions 3h á 235 (470) 353
Free weekly extra support in package

Couples Package: €1730 (from €2305 – 25 % off)
– Shiva Shakti 4 shared sessions 985 740 for 2p
– Shakti Reiki 4 group sessions á 95 (380) 285 
– Self-integration Process 2 sessions each 3h á 235 (940) 705 
Free weekly extra support in package

The 4 weeks may be spread over more time as needed!

Before booking, please make space in your calendar for this deeply healing and life-changing inner work, especially if you are looking for Kundalini work.

For this intensive package, take enough time for rest and sleep, that you choose wholesome food and drink plenty of water to support your body-energy system throughout the month. We are happy to support you in lifestyle preparation if and in however ways you desire that. We start from where you are with complete acceptance, and go gently forward, building a strong and lasting foundation for well-being.

Your guides in this healing journey:

NamanNaman: Ancient Himalayan Shambhavi and Shiva Shakti healing for Kundalini awakening, psychic & soul reading, Vedic astrology, Reiki & angelic healing, angel reading, life & mental health guidance. Golden Lotus Healing

SandraSandra: Shakti Reiki & Kundalini energy work, body-mind-energy health, kundalini awakening guidance, guidance for joy, aliveness, courage, authenticity, peace, self-love, shadow work, divine feminine, meditation & spiritual practice.

Sandra´s and Naman´s work is incredibly profound and powerful. Working with them changed my life – it initiated me into new levels of healing and cellular bliss. My deepest gratitude for the love and mastery that both of them embody and that they offer to the world.

Ilan Stephani

Ilan Stephani

Ilan Stephani is a Berlin based bestselling author, speaker and researcher on how to shift collective paradigms and un-learn cultural conditioning to gain back our natural orgasmic aliveness.

Possible benefits

  • Experience love so deep it propels you to find & nurture this love within yourself
  • Elevate your life from inside – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual health
  • Bring energy, joy and passion back into personal and work life 
  • Release trauma, heart-break, fear and negative patterns from their seeds
  • Unveil and express your authentic self, release blocks to deep desires
  • Take your relationship to the next level 
  • Understand and tap into the divine feminine and masculine within you
  • Balance your sexual energy and learn how to reignite your vitality (kundalini)
  • Refine your soul connection, feel touched by something greater than yourself



There is no timeline for healing
Naman’s and my work will put you on a direct path to divine union, if your heart is directed to love. We can say this confidently because the pathway of Sushumna is opened and ready for Kundalini rising. On this direct path, it’s then up to you to keep choosing love, or source, whatever the external situation. This can potentially cut off lifetimes from a less direct path; a very rare blessing. 

That said, the time it takes to fully allow it into physicality (to release samskaras) cannot be predicted. The direct path will show you directly, through real life, how to take your power back from all the ways you’ve displaced it, which is actually the same as surrendering to your divine nature. It’s a process of experience and gradually coming into embodiment of all that you are. Therefore, this package is to be seen as an accelerated start towards that change, not necessarily as the final destination.

All offerings are to be seen as complementary to, and does not substitute a doctor.
Please note that we can not control your healing from specific ailments short-term; we can only hold space for it to occur. Your free will (subconscious and conscious) plays a major role in accepting and working with energy. On a more profound level, energy healing is a tool to understand yourself and the power of your body-mind-spirit connection; to find self-integration, self-acceptance and self-love. The highest outcome of any healing endeavour is that you use the new energy, insight and empowerment to align with your own inner guidance system, that already knows exactly what you need to be healthy and whole.



Artist unknown


Robin Quinlivan
